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Next.js AI application with Unkey for billing credits

Simple AI image generation application. Contains example code of generating and refilling Unkey API keys in response to a Stripe payment link, and using the `remaining` field for measuring usage.

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Simple AI image generation application. Contains example code of generating and refilling Unkey API keys in response to a Stripe payment link, and using the `remaining` field for measuring usage.

How to use Unkey to set up billing for your AI application

Example of a generative AI application using Unkey for billing.

  • Includes example code to set up Stripe for payment links
  • On payment, users are assigned an Unkey API key with the 'remaining' field set to 10, signifying 10 credits
  • This API key is saved to a cookie (httpOnly, so not accessible via client-side Javascript)
  • This cookie is attached to requests to an API route in /api/openai; this API route verifies the key (decrementing remaining) and requests images from OpenAI.

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